Section 1 Background - 02 The Way God Communicated With Me

Question: Who are the brats, who are the ones who pick and choose?

God’s answer:

They are gold-diggers.

Meaning: Those who read this book not because they want to know God but to know how they can get what they want from God. Their tendency is to pick and choose the information that they feel is useful for their purposes. God discussed this in the previous chapter when He talked about the middle-class.

Sadly, if one does this, this does not guarantee that because they read something, they will get it.

Question: Did I understand you correctly?

God’s answer:

I pick and choose.

So, here’s God’s advice to the readers:

Come with the right attitude

So do not worry; do not say, "What are we to eat? What are we to drink? What are we to wear?" It is the gentiles who set their hearts on all these things. Your heavenly Father knows you need them all.

Set your hearts on his kingdom first, and on God's saving justice, and all these other things will be given you as well. (Mathew 6:31-33)

Now let’s talk
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